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该计算平台主要进行生物分子结构和动力学研究,包括生物分子结构和相互作用预测,生物分子折叠模拟等。目前该系统具有一台1U单节点管理服务器,一台2U四节点CPU计算服务器和四台GPU计算服务器,总共包含80个E5-2680v2 CPU核心和16张Nvidia GTX980 GPU计算卡,操作系统为Rock 6.1 Linux系统。

联系人信息 陈长军 邮箱 cjchen@hust.edu.cn


[1] Chen, C., Y. Xiao, and Y. Huang, Improving the replica-exchange molecular-dynamics method for efficient sampling in the temperature space. Phys. Rev. E, 2015. 91: 052708.

[2] Chen, C., Y. Huang, W. Jiang, and Y. Xiao, A fast tomographic method for searching the minimum free energy path. J. Chem. Phys., 2014. 141: 154109.

[3] Chen, C., Y. Huang, X. Ji, and Y. Xiao, Efficiently finding the minimum free energy path from steepest descent path. J. Chem. Phys., 2013. 138: 164122

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