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Li,Jiahua*; Yu,Rong; Wu,Ying "Proposal for enhanced photon blockade in parity-time-symmetric coupled microcavities", PHYSICAL REVIEW A92, 053837 (2015)


Li,Jiahua*; Zhan, Xiaogui; Ding, Chunling; Zhang, Duo; Wu, Ying "Enhanced nonlinear optics in coupled optical microcavities with an unbroken and broken parity-time symmetry", PHYSICAL REVIEW A92, 043830 (2015)


Li,Jiahua*; Yu,Rong; Ding,Chunling; Zhang,Duo; Wu,Ying "Enhanced harmonic generation and carrier-envelope phase-dependent effects in cavity quantum electrodynamics", PHYSICAL REVIEW A92, 013849 (2015)


Li,Jiahua*; Yu,Rong; Ma,Jinyong; Wu,Ying "All-optical control of optical frequency combs via quantum interference effects in a single-emitter-microcavity system", PHYSICAL REVIEW A91, 063834 (2015)


Li,Jiahua*; Yu,Rong; Wang,Wei; Ding, Chunling; Wu,Ying "Trichromatic phase manipulation of optical high-order sidebands in a nanocavity coupled to a single quantum emitter", Journal of the Optical Society of America Vol. 32, No. 8 August,1660-1669(2015)


Li,Jiahua; Li,Jiahui*; Yu,Rong*; Wu,Ying* "Controlled optical high-order sidebands via bichromatic driving of a cavity mode detected by an undriven second cavity mode", Laser Phys. Lett. 12(2015) 085201 (8pp)


Lv, Xin-You*; Wu, Ying; J.R.Johansson; Jing,Hui; Zhang, J; Nori, F"Squeezed optomechanics with phase-matched amplification and dissipation", PRL114, 093602 (2015)


Lv, Xin-You*; Jing,Hui; Ma,Jin-Yong; Wu,Ying"PT-Symmetry-Breaking Chaos in Optomechanics", PRL114,253601 (2015)


Lv, Xin-You; Liao,Jie-Qiao; Tian,Lin*; Franco Nori "Steady-state mechanical squeezing in an optomechanical system via Duffing nonlinearity", PHYSICAL REVIEW A91, 013834 (2015)


Ma, Jinyong; You, Cai; Si, Liu-Gang; Xiong, Hao; Li, Jiahua; Yang, Xiaoxue; Wu, Ying* "Optomechanically induced transparency in the presence of an external time-harmonic-driving force", Sci. Rep. 5: 11278(2015)


Xiong, Hao*; Si, Liu-Gang*; Yang, Xiaoxue; Wu, Ying "Asymmetric optical transmission in an optomechanical array", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS107, 091116 (2015)


Xiong, Hao; Si, LiuGang*; Lv, XinYou*; Yang, XiaoXue; Wu, Ying* "Review of cavity optomechanics in the weak-coupling regime: from linearization to intrinsic nonlinear interactions" Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy May 2015 Vol. 58 No. 5: 050302


Li,Liping; Luo,Xiaobing; Lv, XinYou*; Yang, XiaoXue; Wu, Ying "Coherent destruction of tunneling in a lattice array with a controllable boundary", PHYSICAL REVIEW A91, 063804 (2015)


Cai,Jianming*; Itsik, Cohen; Alex, Retzker; Martin B.Plenio "Proposal for High-Fidelity Quantum Simulation Using a Hybrid Dressed State", PRL115,160504 (2015)


Wang, Yan-Pu; Wang, Wei; Xue, Zheng-Yuan*; Yang, Wan-Li; Hu, Yong*; Wu, Ying "Realizing and characterizing chiral photon flow in a circuit quantum electrodynamics necklace", Sci. Rep. 5 : 8352 (2015)


Ze Cheng "Exact analytical study of ideal Bose atoms in a one-dimensional harmonic trap", J. Stat. Mech. (2015) P09011


Ze Cheng "Exact thermodynamic theory of an ideal boson gas in a one-dimensional harmonic trap", J. Stat. Mech. (2015)P11003


Hao Xiong; Liu-Gang Si; Xiaoxue Yang & Ying Wu "Analytic descriptions of cylindrical electromagnetic waves in a nonlinear medium", Scientific Reports 2015, 5:11071

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