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Yungui Gong*“The general property of dynamical quintessence field”, Physics Letters B 731 (2014) 342-349,


Qing Gao, Yungui Gong*"The challenge for single field inflation with BICEP2 result", Physics Letters B 734 (2014) 41-43


Qing Gao, Yungui Gong*"The tension on the cosmological parameters from different observational data", Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (2014) 105007


Yungui Gong*, Qing Gao"On the effect of the degeneracy among dark energy parameters", European Physical Journal C 74 (2014) 2729


GAO Qing, GONG YunGui*, LI TianJun* & YE Tian"Simple Single Field Inflation Models and the Running of Spectral Index", Science China-Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 57 (2014) 1442-1448


Fen Zuo* and Yi-Hong Gao*"Quadratic thermal terms in the deconfined phase from", J. HIGH. ENERGY PHYS. 07 (2014) 147


Fen Zuo*"Thermal power terms in the Einstein-dilaton system", J. HIGH. ENERGY PHYS. 06 (2014) 143


Wei Xu*, Liu Zhao"Critical phenomena of static charged AdS black holes in conformal gravity", Physics Letters B 736 (2014) 214


Wei Xu*"Exact black hole formation in three dimensions", Physics Letters B 738 (2014) 472

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