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Zhang Qingbin; Lan Pengfei*; Peixiang Lu“Empirical formula for over-barrier strong-field ionization”, Physical Review A 90, 043410 (2014)


Wang, Zhe; He, Lixin; Luo, Jianghua; Lan, Pengfei; Lu, Peixiang*"High-order harmonic generation from Rydberg atoms in inhomogeneous fields", Optics Express  22, 21: 25909-25922 (2014)


Zhang, Peng; Lan, Pengfei; Feng, Zhengpeng; Zhang, Qingbin,and Lu,Peixiang*"Method to compensate the dispersion of kinetic energy resolution in a velocity map imaging spectrometer", Meas. Sci. Technol. 25, 105202 (2014)


Fu Ming; Qian Lihua; Long Hua; Wang Kai; Yury P. Rakovich; Frederik Hetsch; Andrei S. Susha; Andrey L. Rogach; Lu Peixiang"Tunable plasmon modes in single silver nanowire optical antennas characterized by far-field microscope polarization spectroscopy", Nanoscale, 6, 9192-9197  (2014)


Wang,Bing; Huang,H.; Wang, Kai; Long, Hua; and Lu,Peixiang*"Plasmonic routing in aperiodic graphene sheet arrays", Opt. Lett. 39:16, 4867 2014


Wang, Yan; Peng, Qian; Yang, Guang*; Yang, Ze; Zhang, Lichao; Long, Hua; Huang, Yunhui; Lu, Peixiang"High-stability 5V spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 sputtered thin film electrodes by modifying with aluminium oxide", Electrochimica Acta 136 (2014) 450–456


Chen, Liangyuan; Huang, Cheng; Zhu, Xiaosong*; Lan, Pengfei; Lu, Peixiang"Molecular photoelectron holography by an attosecond XUV pulse in a strong infrared laser field", Optics Express  22, 17: 20421-20431 (2014)


Fan, Yang;  Wang, Bing; Wang, Kai; Long, Hua; Lu, Peixiang"Talbot effect in weakly coupled monolayer graphene sheet arrays", Optics Letters 39:12, 3371- 3373  (2014)


Liu, Weiwei; Wang, Kai; Long, Hua; Chu, Sheng; Wang, Bing*; Lu, Peixiang*"Near-resonant second-order nonlinear susceptibility in c-axis oriented ZnO nanorods", Applied Physics Letters 105, 071906 (2014)


Liu, Kunlong; Lan, Pengfei*; Huang,Cheng; Zhang,Qingbin; Lu,Peixiang*"Revealing correlated electronic and nuclear dynamics in molecules with energy-resolved population imaging", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 053423 (2014)


Tang Qingbin; Huang Cheng; Zhou Yueming; Lan Pengfei*; Lu Peixiang*"Transitions between different channels in molecular nonsequential double ionization by few-cycle laser pulses", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 053419 (2014)


He, Lixin; Li, Yang; Wang, Zhe; Zhang, Qingbin; Lan, Pengfei*; Lu, Peixiang*"Quantum trajectories for high-order harmonic generation from multiple rescattering events in the long-wavelength regime", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 053417 (2014)


Zhang, Qingbin; He,Lixin; Lan, Pengfei; Lu, Peixiang*"Shaped multi-cycle two-color laser field for generating an intense isolated XUV pulse toward 100 attoseconds", Optics Express 22 11: 13213-13233 (2014)


Li, Yang; Zhu, Xiaosong; Lan, Pengfei*; Zhang, Qingbin; Qin, Meiyan; Lu, Peixiang*"Molecular-orbital tomography beyond the plane-wave approximation", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 045401 (2014)


Lan Pengfei, Zhou Yuming, Adrian N. Pfeiffer, Zhang Qingbin, Katsumi Midorikawa, Lu Peixiang*"Revealing the role of electron correlation in sequential double ionization", Physical Review A 89, 033424 (2014)


Qin, Meiyan; Zhu, Xiaosong; Li, Yang; Zhang, Qingbin; Lan, Pengfei*; Lu Peixiang*"Probing rotational wave-packet dynamics with the structural minimum in high-order harmonic spectra", Optics Express 22:6, 6362-6371 (2014)


Hong, Zuofei; Zhang, Qingbin*; Lan, Pengfei; Lu, Peixiang"Generation of few-cycle infrared pulses from a degenerate dual-pump OPCPA", Optics Express 22:5, 5544-5557 (2014)


Luo, Jianghua; Li, Yang; Wang, Zhe; He, Lixin; Zhang, Qingbin; Lan, Pengfei*; Lu, Peixiang*"Efficient supercontinum generation by UV-assisted midinfrared plasmonic fields", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 023405 (2014)


Qin, Meiyan; Zhu, Xiaosong; Li, Yang; Zhang, Qingbin; Lan, Pengfei*; Lu Peixiang*"Interference of high-order harmonics generated from molecules at different alignment angles", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89, 013410 (2014)


H. Huang, B. Wang*, H. Long, K. Wang, and P. Lu*"Plasmon negative refraction at the heterointerface of graphene sheet arrays", Opt. Lett. 39, 5957 2014


C. Qin, B. Wang*, H. Huang, H. Long, K. Wang, and P. Lu*"Low-loss plasmonic supermodes in graphene multilayers", Opt. Express 22, 25324 2014


Y. Fan, B. Wang*, K. Wang, H. Long, and P. Lu"Plasmonic Bloch oscillations in monolayer graphene sheet arrays", Opt. Lett., 39:24, 6827, 2014


Zhuo Wang, Zhengpeng Feng, Hua Long*"Ionisation effect on the electron localisation in the subcycle waveform shaping scheme", Molecular Physics, P1-7,2014


Maoxiang Hou, Ying Wang, Shuhui Liu, Jiangtao Guo, Zhihua Li, and Peixiang Lu"Sensitivity-Enhanced Pressure Sensor With Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32:23 4035 (2014)


Li Zhang, Xinhua Xie, Stefan Roither, Yueming Zhou, Peixiang Lu* et.al"Subcycle Control of Electron-Electron Correlation in Double Ionization", PRL 112, 193002, 2014


Huang Cheng, Lan Pengfei*, Zhou Yueming, Zhang Qingbin, Liu Kunlong, and Lu Peixiang*"Tunneling site of electrons in strong-field-enhanced ionization of molecules", Physical Review A 90, 043420, 2014

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