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Dingxiong Wang*"A disk-corona model for the low/hard state of black hole X-ray binaries", Research in Astron. Astrophys. 2013 13, 10, 1163–1180

Kailun Yao*"A first principles study of novel one-dimensional organic half-metal vanadium-cyclooctatetraene wire", The Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 024309 (2013)

Boming Yu*"A fractal model for gas slippage factor in porous media in the slip flow regime", Chem. Eng. Sci. 87 (2013) 209–215

Boming Yu*"A fractal model for gaseous leak rates through contact surfaces under non-isothermal condition", Applied Thermal Engineering 52 (2013) 54-61

Jie Zhang*"A long-term frequency stabilized deep ultraviolet laser for Mg+ ions trapping experiments", REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 84, 123109 (2013)

Dingxiong Wang*"A Magnetic Reconnection Model for Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole Systems", Research in Astron. Astrophys. 2013 13, 6, 705–718

Shiyong Liu*"A novel protocol for three-dimensional structure prediction of RNA-protein complexes", Sci. Rep. 3, 1887 (2013)

Qingwen Yang*"A Physical Link between Jet Formation and Hot Plasma in Active Galactic Nuclei", The Astrophysical Journal, 770:31 (7pp), 2013

Kailun Yao*"A theoretical model for anisotropic multiferroics", Applied Physics Letters 103, 132911 (2013)

*"Absorption induced photoluminescence intensity modulation of Er3+:YVO4 single crystal under pulsed high magnetic field", Journal of Luminescence 144 (2013) 53–56

Jiahua Li*"Achieving maximum entanglement between two nitrogen-vacancy centers coupling to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator", OPTICS EXPRESS, 21(3): 3501-3515 (2013)

Jiahua Li*"Achieving slow and fast light with high transmission by nanodiamond nitrogen-vacancy center coupling to photonic crystal cavity", J. Appl. Phys., 114(12), 124312 (2013)

Jiahua Li*"Achieving three-dimensional entanglement between two spatially separated atoms by using the quantum Zeno effect", Phys. Rev. A 87, 062316 (2013)

Lin Yi*"Influence of Al doping on stability of Mg1-xTix and their hydrides", Acta Physica Sinica 62 (13) 138801

Zebing Zhou*"Analytical error analysis for satellite gravity field determination based on two-dimensional Fourier method", J Geod(2013)87:417-426

Lin Yi*"Analytical traveling wave and soliton solutions of the generalized nonautonomous nonlinear Schrodinger equation with an external potential", Indian Journal of Physics,87(12): 1243-1250 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Anomalous isotopic effect on electron-directed reactivity by a 3-μm midinfrared pulse", Opt.Express 21 5107-5116 (2013)

Jun Jiang*"ANOMALOUS TREMOR WAVES IN TIDAL OBSERVATIONS", Chinese J. Geophys. 2013,56(1):52-61

Guoying Gao*"Antiferromagnetic half-metals, gapless half-metals, and spin gapless semiconductors: The D03-type Heusler alloys", Applied Physics Letters 103, 232409 (2013)

*"Anti-resonant reflecting guidance in alcohol-filled hollow core photonic crystal fiber for sensing applications", Optics Express 21 25: 31690-31697

*"Attosecond-resolved electron emission in nonsequential double ionization", Phys.Rev.A 88, 043425 (2013)

Changjun Chen*"Binding free-energy calculation of an ion-peptide complex by constrained dynamics", PHYSICAL REVIEW E 87, 062705 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Boron-doping controlled peculiar transport properties of graphene nanoribbon p-n junctions", Solid State Communications 153 (2013) 46–52

Ze Cheng*"Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting Cooper pairs in cuprate superconductors", Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 377, 2007-2010 (2013)

Yihua Gao*"Cable-Type Supercapacitors of Three-Dimensional Cotton Thread Based Multi-Grade Nanostructures for Wearable Energy Storage", Adv. Mater.25, 4925-4931 (2013)

Hao Xiong*"Carrier-envelope phase-dependent effect of high-order sideband generation in ultrafast driven optomechanical system", Opt. Lett. 38(02): 353 (2013)

Qingbin Zhang*"Compact dual-crystal optical parametric amplification for broadband IR pulse generation using a collinear geometry", Opt.Express 21 9491-9504 (2013)

Ze Cheng*"Condensation state of ultra-cold Bose atomic gases with noncontact interaction", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 27,1361007 (2013)

Yungui Gong*"Constraints on thawing scalar field models from fundamental constants", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 22 (2013) 1350035

Peixiang Lu*"Contribution of recollision ionization to the cross-shaped structure in nonsequential double ionization", Opt.Express 21 11382-11390 (2013)

*"Control of electron dynamics with a multicycle two-color spatially inhomogeneous field for efficient single-attosecond-pulse generation", Phys.Rev.A 88, 063838 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Correlated multielectron dynamics in mid-infrared laser pulse interactions with neon atoms", Opt.Express 21 21433-21443 (2013)

Yungui Gong*"Cosmology in Massive Gravity", Commun. Theor. Phys. 59 (2013) 319-323

Jiahua Li*"Creation of quantum entanglement with two separate diamond nitrogen vacancy centers coupled to a photonic molecule", Journal of Applied Physics 114, 244306 (2013)

Zhongkun Hu*"Demonstration of an ultra-high sensitivity atom interferometry absolute gravimeter", Phys. Rev. A 88, 043610 (2013)

Shuchao Wu*"Design and validation of a high-voltage levitation circuit for electrostatic accelerometers", REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 84, 125004 (2013)

Jie Zhang*"Design of an optical reference cavity with low thermal noise limit and flexible thermal expansion properties", Eur. Phys. J. D (2013) 67 : 46

Zhihua Li*"Direction-independent fiber inclinometer based on simplified hollow core photonic crystal fiber", Opt.Lett 38, 449-451(2013)

Ze Cheng*"Dressed photons in a nonlinear Fabry-Perot cavity", Phys. Rev. A, 87, 053825 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Efficient isolated attosecond emission in a pre-excited medium using noncarrier-envelope phase-stabilized nanoplasmonic fields", JOSAB 30 2469-2475 (2013)

Changjun Chen*"Efficiently finding the minimum free energy path from steepest descent path", J. Chem. Phys. 138, 164122 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Electron dynamics of molecular double ionization by circularly polarized laser pulses", The Journal of Chmical Physics, 139, 074308 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Electronic and optical properties of N-doped, Co-doped as well as N,Co-codoped rutile TiO2", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 335 (2013) 118-124

Zebing Zhou*"Electrostatic gravity gradiometer design for the future mission", Advances in Space Research 51(2013)2269-2276

Songliu Yuan*"Enhanced multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 ceramics by Ba and high-valence Nb co-doping", Solid State communications, 152,2142-2146(2012)

Changjun Chen*"Enhanced sampling of molecular dynamics simulation of peptides and proteins by double coupling to thermal bath", JBSD, 31: 206–214, 2013

Degang Zhao*"Exotic absorption peaks of acoustic waves in one-dimensional layered phononic crystal", Journal of Applied Physics113 (12) 124501(2013)

Helin Wei*"Fabrication of photonic crystal heterostructures by a simple vertical deposition technique", J Mater Sci (2014) 49: 1832–1838

Liang Chen*"Facile synthesis and hydrogen storage application of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with bamboo-like structure", international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (2013) 3297-3303

Guoying Gao*"First-principle study of half-metallicity at the TiPo (001) surface and the TiPo/CdTe (001) interface", Thin Solid Films 531 (2013) 266–270

Kailun Yao*"First-principles investigation of the structural and electronic properties of bulk full-Heusler alloy Mn2CoSn and its (001) surface", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 565 (2013) 17–21

Kailun Yao*"First-principles study of the (001) surface of half-metallic cubic BaCrO3", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 344 (2013) 60-67

Boming Yu*"Fractal analysis of the effective thermal conductivity of biological media embedded with randomly distributed vascular trees", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 67, (2013) 74-80

Weihua Lei*"FRAME DRAGGING, DISK WARPING, JET PRECESSING, AND DIPPED X-RAY LIGHT CURVE OF Sw J1644+57", The Astrophysical Journal,ApJ,762:98,2013

Jiahua Li*"Generation of long-time maximum entanglement between two dipole emitters via a hybrid photonic-plasmonic resonator", Phys. Rev. A, 87, 042306 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Ground-state properties and quantum entanglement in rung-dimerized spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic ladder", Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 2422–2427

Kailun Yao*"Half-metallic ferromagnetism in C-doped zinc-blende ZnO: A first-principles study", CHINESE PHYSICS B 22:4 047507 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Half-metallicity of bulk and (111) surface for full-Heusler alloy Co2VAl: A density functional study", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 576 (2013) 93-97

*"Head-on collision of electron acoustic solitary waves in dense magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma", Phys. Scr. 88 (2013) 015503 (6pp)

*"Head-on collision of magnetoacoustic solitary waves in magnetized quantum electron-positron-ion plasma", Astrophys Space Sci (2013) 346:431–436

*"Highly ordered ZnO nanohole arrays Fabrication and enhanced two-photon absorption", Optics Communications291(2013)395–399

Yi xiao*"How to use not-always-reliable binding site information in protein-protein docking prediction", PLoS ONE 8(10): e75936


Xiaosong Zhu*"Influence of large permanent dipoles on molecular orbital tomography", Opt.Express 21 5255-5268 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Influences of DMI on spin-polarized current through a single-molecule magnet", PHYSICS LETTERS A 377 (2013) 2428-2431

Hao Xiong*"Initial value problems of cylindrical electromagnetic waves propagation in a nonlinear nondispersive medium", Phys. Rev. E 88, 035202 (2013)

Guoying Gao*"Large half-metallic gaps in the quaternary Heusler alloys CoFeCrZ (Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge): A first-principles study", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 551 (2013) 539–543

Kailun Yao*"Large negative differential resistance and rectifying behaviors in isolated thiophene nanowire devices", The Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 154707 (2013)

Kai Wang*"Laterally Emitted Surface Second Harmonic Generation in a Single ZnTe Nanowire", Nano Lett., 13, 4224-4229 (2013)

Jingtao Lv*"Light emission and finite-frequency shot noise in molecular junctions: From tunneling to contact", PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 045413 (2013)

Lin Yi*"Localized nonlinear waves in combined time-dependent magnetic-optical potentials with spatiotemporally modulated nonlinearities", Physics Letters A 377 (34-36) 2034-2040

Zebing Zhou*"Lunar gravity gradiometry and requirement analysis", Advances in Space Research 52(2013)715-722

*"Magnetoacoustic solitary waves in pair ion-electron plasmas", Phys. Scr. 87 (2013) 045503 (5pp)

*"Memory effect up to room-temperature in Ni/Ni2P core-shell structured nanoparticles", J. Wuhan University Technology,Mater. Sci. Ed,28,467-470 (2013)

Kailun Yao*"Negative differential resistance and spin polarization of metal-C6H6 multidecker complexes", Journal of Applied Physics 113, 113901 (2013)

Guang Yang*"Optical limiting properties in copper oxide thin films under a high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser", Materials Letters 91 319–322 (2013)

*"Nonlinear magnetoacoustic waves in pair-ion plasma with dust impurity", J. Plasma Physics, 79, 825-831 (2013)

Ze Cheng*"Optical analogue of the polaron: Dressed photon in a nonlinear Fabry-Perot cavity", EPL, 101 (2013) 14003

Huahua Fu*"Perfect spin filtering and conditions for Fano antiresonance and Dicke resonance in a parallel coupled triple quantum-dot array", Eur. Phys. J. B (2013) 86: 237

Huahua fu*"Perfect thermal spin filter and pure spin thermoelectric generator based on a laterally coupled double quantum-dot array", EPL, 103 (2013) 57011

Jiahua Li*"Phase-controlled absorption-gain properties and optical switching in nanodiamond nitrogen-vacancy center", Appl. Phys. B, 111(1): 65–73, (2013)

Yihua Gao*"Photonic band gaps in square photonic crystal slabs of core–shell-type dielectric nanorod heterostructures", Solid State Commun. 172, 10-14 (2013)

Chengliang Lu*"Polarization enhancement and ferroelectric switching enabled by interacting magnetic structures in DyMnO3 thin films", Sci. Rep. 3, 3374 (2013)

Longyan Yuan*"Polypyrrole-Coated Paper for Flexible Solid-State Energy Storage", Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 470–476

Qingwen Wu*"Possible Origin of Radio Emission from Nonthermal Electrons in Hot Accretion Flows for Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei", The Astrophysical Journal, 764:17 (9pp), 2013

Jun Luo*"Progress In Laboratory Gravitational Experiments In HUST Group", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 22, 1360006 (2013)

Pengfei Lan*"Carrier envelope phase dependence of electron localization in the multicycle regime", New J.Phys. 13, 063023 (2013)

Jiahua Li*"Propagation of magnetically controllable lasers and magneto-optic dual switching using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond", J. Appl. Phys., 113(10), 103104 (2013)

*"Quantum entanglement and phase transition in a two-dimensional photon-photon pair model", Physica B, 408, 16-21 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Quantum-orbit analysis for yield and ellipticity of high order harmonic generation with elliptically polarized laser field", Opt.Express 21 4896-4907 (2013)

Boming Yu*"Research on the effective gas diffusion coefficient in dry porous media embedded with a fractal-like tree network", Physica A 392 (2013) 1557–1566

Songliu Yuan*"Room temperature multiferroic properties of Mn doped La2Ti2O7", J Electroceram, 31, 372-375(2013)

Changjun Chen*"Simulation study of the role of the ribosomal exit tunnel on protein folding", PHYSICAL REVIEW E 87, 022701 (2013)

Zhaoming Tian*"Size-dependent scaling of exchange bias in NiFe2O4/NiO nanogranular systems synthesized by a phase separation method", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 113, 143906 (2013)

*"Solid-State High Performance Flexible Supercapacitors Based on Polypyrrole-MnO2-Carbon Fiber Hybrid Structure", Sci. Rep. 3, 2286 (2013)

Xiangsong chen*"spin and orbital angular monmentum of the tensor gauge-field", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82 (2013) 083001

Kailun Yao*"Spin Seebeck Effect and Thermal Colossal Magnetoresistance in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterojunction", Sci. Rep. 3, 1380 (2013)

Lin Zhu*"Spin transport and magnetic properties of a copper(II) coordination organometallic molecule", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 344 (2013) 14-19

Kailun Yao*"Spin-dependent transport in graphene nanoribbons adsorbed with vanadium in different positions", Solid State Communications 155 (2013) 40–44

Yihua Gao*"Study on complete photonic band gaps of two-dimensional air annular photonic crystals", Acta Phys. Sin. 62 (19), 194208 (2013)

Guoying Gao*"Surface d(0) half-metallicity of rocksalt MgN from first-principles", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 546 (2013) 119–123

Zhaoming Tian*"Synthesis and size dependent exchange bias effect in CoCr2O4/Cr2O3 nanogranular systems", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 574 (2013) 131–135

Shiyong Liu*"The dataset for protein-RNA binding affinity", Protein Sci, 22: 1808–1811, 2013

Lin Yi*"The effects of process conditions on the plasma characteristic in radio-frequency capacitively coupled SiH4/NH3/N-2 plasmas: Two-dimensional simulations", Chinese Physics B 22 (4) 045204

Kailun Yao*"The electronic structure and magnetic properties of Na[NpO2(OH)(2)] by first-principles calculations", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 343 (2013) 208-213

Kailun Yao*"The half-metallic characteristics of the (001) surface of zinc-blende TiTe", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 346 (2013) 166-170

Kailun Yao*"The half-metallic properties of the (110) and (001) surfaces of rocksalt VPo: A first-principles study", JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 330 (2013) 1-5

Kailun Yao*"The lattice distortion-induced topological insulating phase in bulk HgTe from first-principles", Solid State Communications 153 (2013) 31–34

Kailun Yao*"The transport properties and new device design: the case of 6,6,12-graphyne nanoribbons", Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 4468

Chenggang Shao*"Thermal noise limit in measuring the gravitational constant G using the angular acceleration method and the dynamic deflection method", Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 1397–1401

Xiaosong Zhu*"Tomographic reconstruction of molecular orbitals with twofold mirror antisymmetry: Overcoming the nodal plane problem", Phys.Rev.A 87, 045402 (2013)

Helin Wei*"Tunable optical stop band of silica shell photonic crystals", J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2013) 67:565–572

Qingbin Zhang*"Tunable phase-matched attosecond-pulse generation with two-color Bessel-Gauss beams", Phys.Rev.A 87, 033822 (2013)

*"Tunable slow light in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46: 025501 (2013)

Kai Wang*"Two-photon pumped lasing in a single CdS microwire", Appl.Phys.Lett. 102, 211915(2013)

Qingbin Zhang*"Ultra-broadband water window supercontinuum generation with high efficiency in a three-color laser field", Opt.Express 21 2683-2692(2013)

Qingbin Zhang*"Ultra-short isolated attosecond emission in mid-infrared inhomogeneous fields without CEP stabilization", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 145602

Qingwen Wu*"Warping of an accretion disc and launching of a jet by a spinning black hole in NGC 4258", MNRAS 436, 1278–1285 (2013)

Jinhua Gao*"Possible half-metallic phase in bilayer graphene: Calculations based on mean-field theory applied to a two-layer Hubbard model", Phys. Rev. B 88, 201109 (Rapid Communication) (2013)

Jinhua Gao*"Layer antiferromagnetic state in bilayer graphene: A first-principles investigation", Phys. Rev. B 87, 195413 (2013)

Peixiang Lu*"Wavelength dependence of high-order-harmonic yield in inhomogeneous fields", Phys.Rev.A 88, 053404 (2013)

张雁滨*"昆仑山强震前的震颤波并非源自慢地震", 地球物理学报,2013,56(3):869-877

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